Botanic Wellness Limited was established in 2019 to acquire Medical Marijuana Investment Fund Pty Ltd which operates in Australia and Live Opulent Inc. which operates in the USA. The company has since established subsidiaries for its UK, European and Hemp bioplastic operations.
The Company operates fully licensed indoor and outdoor CBD hemp seed growing facilities in Washington State, Idaho, Arizona, Minesota and Oklahoma. The Company also has broad-acre CBD hemp crop growing operations in Arizona, Texas Missouri and Oklahoma in the USA. The Company also imports CBD hemp seeds from the USA to Australia and operates licensed CBD hemp seed growing and CBD hemp operations in New South Wales under various licenses and permits and under a number of different joint venture farming operating arrangements.
The Company’s, joint venture farming agreements enable the Company to plant and cultivate significant acreages of crops at a lower price than if it entered into traditional farm ownership or leasing arrangements. Under the agreements the farmer contributes their farmland, general farming expertise, machinery and labor to plant, grow, maintain and harvest the crops at pre-agreed costs and the Company contributes its CBD hemp seeds, licenses and permits, and specific CBD hemp growing, processing and sales and marketing expertise also at an agreed cost.
The actual costs incurred in all aspects of the operation, by both the Company and the farmer, are then reimbursed in full on a pro-rata basis when the various CBD and hemp products produced on the specific land are sold. The profits derived from the sale of each crop, when all the seed, biomass, crude, distillate, isolate and final “Botanic Wellness” and “Opulent” branded products have been sold are then shared on a 50/50 basis between the Company and the farmer.

The Company currently has its own extraction and manufacturing operations in the USA which reduces its production costs.
The Company proposes to further expand its existing USA farming operations. The Company also plans to expand its Australian growing operations in New South Wales and to establish in-house extraction, processing and manufacturing facilities in Australia when it becomes commercially feasible and legally possible.

The Company’s Board consists of a number of experienced professionals based in Australia and the USA who have significant investment banking, legal, financial and public company expertise with a particular interest in, and and focus on, the CBD hemp sector and the development of early-stage companies. Botanic Wellness has also established an experienced Advisory Board to advise on the further development of the Company’s operations in the CBD hemp and related sectors in the USA, Europe, Australia and South East Asia .

Co-Founder, and Executive Chairman (Melbourne, Australia)

Chief Executive Officer (Arizona, USA)

Executive Director of Farming Operations USA (Oklahoma, USA)

Jack Stynes.
Non Executive Director Australia